Sunday, 30 May 2010


Yesterdays theme seemed to be Seed Beads, todays theme appears to be earrings! I've made 4 pairs of earrings today, and am quite pleased with them :)

All can be found on Folksy or in my Facebook shop!

Seed beads!

Spent some time playing around with seed beads yesterday, and made 2 new bracelets. Seed beads are fun, but rather fiddly! I need more colours of them!

Quite pleased with both!

Other Items featuring seed beads include:

All of these can be found in my Folksy shop or my Facebook page

Saturday, 29 May 2010

More silver!

So this week on my course I finished the pendant I was working on:

It's got a few scratches that I need to work off, but other than that am pretty pleased with it - seeing as it's my first attempt at working in silver!

So then I started thinking about what I was going to do next. I had a few scraps of silver left from the pendant, so thought I'd play. I cut out some squares to make some earrings with:

And then used a scrap of copper to play with some textures:

I have since decided that I am going to go for a simple hammered finish, and add some beads.

I also cut out a band to make a ring:
I will add texture to this and turn it into a ring :)

Loving this course!

Facebook Store!

I've finally added a Payvment Facebook store to my facebook page! Any feedback relating to it would be welcome :)

It can be found by clicking on the "shop now" tab here: Link

In other news, I haven't done much in the way of crafting in the last week or so, because I've been very busy, and the weather was so nice last weekend I spent most of my time outside! However I now have a week off work (half term, yay!) so should hopefully manage to get some more jewellery made this week!


Wednesday, 19 May 2010


4 sales in one day! That's my new record! (Admittedly it's only to 2 different people - 1 person bought 3 items, still chuffed though!)

One of the items that's just sold is the charm bracelet I made last night, these people are quick off the mark :)

Off to bed happy now! :)

Pearls, pearls, pearls!

Been making yet another bracelet using the lovely pearl beads I got a few weeks ago... pleased with this one too :)

Find it here :)

Yesterday I got a bit carried away on ebay, and ordered lots of new beads and charms... am ever so excited about recieving them, hope they come tomorrow!! Look out for more makes soon!

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Late night jewellery making!

I've just finished making a new bracelet - it's rather late for me to be working, I should be in bed by now.. but the idea came to me and I got carried away! So here it is:

I'm rather pleased with it! :)
Find it on Folksy here: Link

Monday, 17 May 2010

Pearl beads

I got some gorgeous pearl beads a while ago, a big mixture of colours, but mostly pinks, purples and berry colours. I hadn't really known what to do with them, I just bought them because they were pretty!

I've finally made something with them this morning - a memory wire bracelet.

It can be found here!

Also this morning I discovered that I could change my facebook link.. it is now


Thursday, 13 May 2010

Silversmithing Course

I've just got back from my 3rd lesson on my silversmithing course, and thought I'd share what I've been doing and learning! Unfortunately I wasn't clever enough to take any photos after the first week, but have pictures from the 2nd week.

Basically I am making a domed silver pendant, with a shape cut out. The first week all I did was cut out my circle, using a saw.. the rest of the lesson was about health and safety etc!

The 2nd week I cut my star shape out of the silver, filed it, domed it, and drilled a hole. Much more productive!

This is how it looked at the end of the 2nd week!

Then tonight was all about soldering. First I roughly cut the shape of the back. Then I put various chemicals on the 2 pieces of silver, and arranged my pieces of solder. Then we got out the blow torches! Given how accident prone I am, if anyone there really knew me they probably shouldn't have let me use one (just this morning I managed to staple my thumb!), but I did use one, and had no major dramas! So I managed to solder my 2 pieces together without causing any catastrophes, which is pretty impressive! Then after it spent half an hour in the pickle (to clean it) I sawed and filed the back piece to meet the front, and then drilled a hole through for the jump ring.

It needs a lot of polishing still, but you can see it now has a back!

While it was in the pickle I had a play with balling some wire, which was fun! Basically you hold the wire vertically in some tweezers, and torch the bottom of it, and when it's hot enough it sort of melts upwards, forming a ball on the end of the wire! I'm not using it in my final design, but lots of the other ladies on my course are, and I thought I might as well have a go.. it was quite exciting!

So hopefully next week I'll finish my pendant, get it all polished up and onto a chain, and then onto something new!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Banners, Avatars and Facebook!

It's been a productive evening!

Busy evening!

Comments on the new banner much appreciated :)

New shop name chosen - Sarah's Designs

I decided to go for simple in the end - Sarah's Designs.

My Folksy shop is now called Sarah's Designs, but still seems to follow the Aranelwen link, not sure whether that will change or be like that forever? Ah well!


Monday, 10 May 2010

Shop Name - your help please!

Ok, so I've had a few good suggestions for shop names, my favourites being:

 (But when I googled this I found several shops with the same name, so not sure if that causes a problem)

Designed by Sarah

Sarah's Designs

Beads, Buttons and more!
Now I have the challenge of choosing one! So I would like feedback as to which seems the best, plus any other ideas if anyone can think of anything better! (If I use your suggestion you win a half price piece of jewellery from my folksy shop!)

Sunday, 9 May 2010


I have some earrings for sale, thought I'd let you all have a look :)

These are one of my favourite pairs. £5 for the pair

I loved this pair so much I have kept them for myself, but if anyone wants any similar (can do different colours or charms) I will make more :) £5

Purple and black button earrings - for something a little bit different. £3

Shop Name

So I am looking for a good name for my Folksy shop.. at the moment it is simply "Aranelwen", which is boring and doesn't reflect what I do... so, am looking for ideas from anyone! There will be a discounted piece of jewellery for the person who suggests the best name!


Memory Wire bracelets

At the moment I am loving memory wire. It's so easy to work with, and makes stunning bangles, which fit any size wrist.

I currently have 6 of these for sale.. enjoy! They are all £7.00 each :)




Pretty in Pink:

Golden Sunshine:


So there you go.. I love them!

First Blog

So I intend to use this blog to talk about some of my jewellery, and other crafts.

I have been into jewellery making for a while now, and especially love beads, charms and buttons, and most of my jewellery features these. I am also currently doing a silversmithing course to learn new techniques and ideas.

So yeah, if anyone has stumbled across this, keep an eye out for pictures of items I have made, links to where you can buy them, and information as to what I am planning next.

I have a folksy shop which can be found here: go check it out! :)